Maritime Football League (Canada) 2015-2019

Maritime Football League Logo [Ref: 11]

MFL 2015

*Saint John Wanderers66002135612
*Capital Area Gladiators63211321217
*Nova Scotia Buccaneers6231991055
PEI Privateers62401011584
Moncton Mustangs6150581642
Maritime Football League Standings 2015 [Ref: 1]
DateHome TeamAway Team
Playoffs Semi-Finals
18.07.2015Saint John Wanderers45PEI Privateers14
18.07.2015Fredreicton Gladiators0Nova Scotia Buccaneers19
25.07.2015Saint John Wanderers36Nova Scotia Buccaneers29
Maritime Football League Playoffs 2015 [Ref: 2]

MFL 2016

*Saint John Wanderers66002539812
*Capital Area Gladiators63211531667
*Moncton Mustangs63211901717
*Nova Scotia Buccaneers61501162092
PEI Privateers61501612292
Maritime Football League Standings 2016 [Ref: 3]
DateHome TeamAway Team
30.07.2016Saint John Wanderers27Nova Scotia Buccaneers7
30.07.2016Capital Area Gladiators21Moncton Mustangs25
Maritime Bowl XV
06.08.2016Saint John Wanderers47Moncton Mustangs21
Maritime Football League Playoffs 2016 [Ref: 4]

MFL 2017

*Saint John Wanderers66001885412
*Moncton Mustangs64201591118
*Nova Scotia Buccaneers6240461144
*Island Mariners6060912050
Maritime Football League Standings 2017 [Ref: 5]
DateHome TeamAway Team
22.07.2017Saint John Wanderers35Island Mariners0
22.07.2017Moncton Mustangs35Nova Scotia Buccaneers12
Maritime Bowl XVI
29.07.2017Saint John Wanderers23Moncton Mustangs43
Maritime Football League Playoffs 2017 [Ref: 6]

MFL 2018

*Moncton Mustangs550019915010
*Saint John Wanderers64202331348
*Halifax Harbour Hawks51401201502
*Island Mariners61501492672
Maritime Football League Standings 2018 [Ref: 7]
DateHome TeamAway Team
16.06.2018Moncton Mustangs39Island Mariners18
16.06.2018Saint John Wanderers35Halifax Harbour Hawks10
Maritime Bowl XVII
23.06.2018Moncton Mustangs23Saint John Wanderers42
Maritime Football League Playoffs 2018 [Ref: 8]

MFL 2019

*Saint John Wanderers65102007110
*Moncton Mustangs65102296910
*Halifax Harbour Hawks64201851018
*Island Mariners63301521826
Southern New Brunswick Ducks6150842582
Nova Scotia Buccaneers6060612300
Maritime Football League Standings 2019 [Ref: 9]
DateHome TeamAway Team
15.06.2019Saint John Wanderers48Island Mariners14
15.06.2019Moncton Mustangs33Halifax Harbour Hawks7
Maritime Bowl XVIII
22.06.2019Saint John Wanderers27Moncton Mustangs34
Maritime Football League Playoffs 2019 [Ref: 10]


The Maritime Football League is a Community-based post-High School Canadian Football League in the Maritime Provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island (Ile St. Jean), and theoretically Newfoundland and Labrador although the Province has never had a Canadian Football team.

Saint John Wanderers, who played in Shamrock Park, in Saint John, New Brunswick from 2015 to 2018, won the Maritime Bowl in 2015, 2016 and 2018, with Moncton Mustangs winning the Bowl in 2017 and 2019.

Other teams have included the Nova Scotia Buccaneers and Halifax Harbor Hawks from Nova Scotia, The PEI Privateers and Island Mariners from Prince Edward Island (Ile St. Jean), and the Southern New Brunswick Ducks, from Quispamsis, a suburb of Sain John, New Brunswick.

Saint John Alpine Wanderers – Maritime Bowl XVII Champions 2018 [Ref: 12]

Home Field

TeamHome FieldProvince
Nova Scotia BuccaneersBedfordAll-Weather Field Nova Scotia
Halifax Harbour HawksSMU Huskie Stadium, HalifaxNova Scotia
Saint John WanderersShamrock Park, Saint John (2015-2018)
UNBSJ (University of New Brunswick, Saint John)(2019)
New Brunswick
Southern New Brunswick DucksUsher Miller Field, Kennebacasis Valley High School, Quispamsis, Saint JohnNew Brunswick
Moncton MustangsRocky Stone, MonctonNew Brunswick
Capital Area GladiatorsScotia North, FrederictonNew Brunswick
PEI PrivateersCornwallPrince Edward Island
Island MarinersTerry Fox Sports Complex, CornwallPrince Edward Island
Maritime football League Home Fields 2015-2019 [Ref: 1-10]



[1] Maritime Football League (2020) 2015 Standings [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[2] Maritime Football League (2020) 2015 Schedule [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[3] Maritime Football League (2020) 2016 Standings [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[4] Maritime Football League (2020) 2016 Schedule [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[5] Maritime Football League (2020) 2017 Standings [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[6] Maritime Football League (2020) 2017 Schedule [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[7] Maritime Football League (2020) 2018 Standings [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[8] Maritime Football League (2020) 2018 Schedule [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[9] Maritime Football League (2020) 2019 Standings [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[10] Maritime Football League (2020) 2019 Schedule [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]


[11] Maritime Football League (2018) MFL Profile Picture, December 17, 2018 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]

[11] Maritime Football League (2018) Photo June 27, 2018: “2019 Maritime Bowl XVIII Champions – MONCTON MUSTANGS â€” with 2018 Maritime Bowl XVII Champions – Saint John Alpine Wanderers â€” at Rocky Stone Football Field.” [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2020]


Thanks to John Wills, John Kane & John Morahan and John Cummins, John Doody & Jean-Paul O’Flynn.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 10 May 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

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