Eastern Football League 1926-1927

EFL 1926

*Bethlehem Bears106227245.750
Gilberton Catamounts95225122.714
All-Lancaster Roses105236137.714
Mount Carmel Wolverines95319443.625
Coaldale Big Green114436343.500
Atlantic City Roses82422265.333
Shenandoah Red Jackets82514541.286
Mount Airy7160758.143
Clifton Heights Orange & Black3111310.500
Eastern Football League Standings 1926 [Reference: 1]

EFL 1927

*All-Lancaster Roses55009681.000
Atlantic City Roses65107813.667
Coaldale Big Green63304061.500
Wilkes-Barre Panthers21101834.500
Newark Blues51313274.250
Bethlehem Bears51311356.250
Shenandoah Red Jackets5050677.000
Eastern Football League Standings 1927 [Reference: 2]


The Eastern Football League of 1926 was one of two AA Leagues that played one season that year (the Pacific Coast Football League was the other). Bethlehem Bears won a tightly contested league, finishing just ahead of Gilberton Catamounts and All-Lancaster Roses.


[1]  Pro Football Archives (2019) 1926 [Internet] Available from: https://www.profootballarchives.com/1926.html [Accessed 11 October 2019]


[2] Gill, Bob with Maher, Todd (2006) “Part 3: Season-by Season Listings” Outsiders, Minor League and Independent Football 1923-1950. Pg. 94. St. Johann Press. Haworth, NJ, USA.


Thanks to Richard Mulcahy

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 23 December 2019

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2019

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

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