Indoor Football League 2020

Indoor Football League Logo (2020) [Ref: 4]


Quad Cities Steamwheelers110054391.000
San Diego Strike Force110050361.000
Bismarck Bucks10103650.000
Cedar Rapids River Kings10103954.000
Iowa Barnstormers
Green Bay Blizzard
Sioux Falls Storm
Spokane Shock
Oakland Panthers
Arizona Rattlers
Duke City Gladiators
Tuscon Sugar Skulls
Inddor Football League Standings 2020 [Reference: Compiled from Schedule in: 2]


DateHome TeamAway Team
Week 1
07.03.2020Cedar Rapids River Kings39Quad Cities Steamwheelers54
08.03.2020Bismarck Bucks36San Diego Strike Force50
Week 2
12.03.2020FriscoDuke City Gladiators
14.03.2020Oakland PanthersIowa Barnstormers
14.03.2020San Diego Strike ForceCedar Rapids River Kings
15.03.2020Sioux Falls StormBismarck Bucks
Week 3
19.03.2020Cedar Rapids River KingsTucson Sugar Skulls
21.03.2020Quad Cities SteamwheelersArizona Rattlers
21.03.2020Oakland PanthersDuke City Gladiators
22.03.2020Bismarck BucksSpokane Shock
22.03.2020Green Bay BlizzardFrisco
Week 4
26.03.2020Spokane ShockSan Diego Strike Force
28.03.2020Oakland PanthersArizona Rattlers
29.03.2020Bismarck BucksIowa Barnstormers
29.03.2020Sioux Falls StormFrisco
29.03.2020Green Bay BlizzardQuad Cities Steamwheelers
29.03.2020Tucson Sugar SkullsDuke City Gladiators
Week 5
03.04.2020Quad Cities SteamwheelersSpokane Shock
03.04.2020Iowa BarnstormersGreen Bay Blizzard
04.04.2020FriscoBismarck Bucks
04.04.2020Cedar Rapids River KingsSioux Falls Storm
04.04.2020Duke City GladiatorsSan Diego Strike Force
05.04.2020Arizona RattlersTucson Sugar Skulls
Week 6
09.04.2020Spokane ShockSioux Falls Storm
10.04.2020Cedar Rapids River KingsGreen Bay Blizzard
11.04.2020Quad Cities SteamwheelersBismarck Bucks
11.04.2020Iowa BarnstormersArizona Rattlers
11.04.2020Tucson Sugar SkullsSan Diego Strike Force
11.04.2020Duke City GladiatorsOakland Panthers
Week 7
18.04.2020Bismarck BucksCedar Rapids River Kings
18.04.2020Arizona RattlersFrisco
18.04.2020San Diego Strike ForceOakland Panthers
18.04.2020Spokane ShockTucson Sugar Skulls
19.04.2020Green Bay BlizzardIowa Barnstormers
19.04.2020Sioux Fall StormQuad Cities Steamwheelers
Week 8
24.04.2020Green Bay BlizzardOakland Panthers
25.04.2020Sioux Falls StormArizona Rattlers
25.04.2020Iowa BarnstormersBismarck Bucks
25.04.2020Quad Cities SteamwheelersDuke City Gladiators
26.04.2020Cedar Rapids River KingsFrisco
26.04.2020San Diego Strike ForceTucson Sugar Skulls
Week 9
02.05.2020Sioux Falls StormIowa Barnstormers
02.05.2020FriscoQuad Cities Steamwheelers
02.05.2020Oakland PanthersBismarck Bucks
02.05.2020Tucson Sugar SkullsGreen Bay Blizzard
02.05.2020Arizona RatllersSpokane Shock
03.05.2020San Diego Strike ForceDuke City Gladiators
Week 10
08.05.2020FriscoSan Diego Strike Force
08.05.2020Tucson Sugar SkullsArizona Rattlers
09.05.2020Bismarck BucksSioux Falls Storm
09.05.2020Cedar Rapids River KingsGreen Bay Blizzard
09.05.2020Iowa BarnstormersDuke City Gladiators
09.05.2020Spokane ShockOakland Panthers
Week 11
15.05.2020Sioux Falls StormDuke City Gladiators
16.05.2020Bismarck BucksGreen Bay Blizzard
16.05.2020Iowa BarnstormersCedar Rapids River Kings
16.05.2020Arizona RattlersTucson Sugar Skulls
16.05.2020Oakland PanthersSan Diego Strike Force
16.05.2020Spokane ShockFrisco
Week 12
22.05.2020Quad Cities SteamwheelersSioux Falls Storm
23.05.2020Duke City GladiatorsFrisco
24.05.2020Tucson Sugar SkullsSpokane Shock
Week 13
29.05.2020Green Bay BlizzardBismarck Bucks
30.05.2020Cedar Rapids River KingsIowa Barnstormers
30.05.2020Duke City GladiatorsTucson Sugar Skulls
30.05.2020Oakland PanthersFrisco
30.05.2020Arizona RattlersQuad Cities Steamwheelers
30.05.2020Spokane ShockSan Diego Strike Force
Week 14
05.06.2020Quad Cities SteamwheelersGreen Bay Blizzard
06.06.2020Bismarck BucksIowa Barnstormers
06.06.2020FriscoCedar Rapids River Kings
06.06.2020Sioux Falls StormSpokane Shock
06.06.2020Duke City GladiatorsArizona Rattlers
07.06.2020San Diego Strike ForceOakland Panthers
Week 15
13.06.2020FriscoSpokane Shock
13.06.2020Iowa BarnstormersQuad Cities Steamwheelers
13.06.2020Green Bay BlizzardSioux Falls Storm
13.06.2020Duke City GladiatorsCedar Rapids River Kings
13.06.2020Tucson Sugar SkullsBismarck Bucks
13.06.2020FriscoOakland Panthers
Week 16
19.06.2020FriscoIowa Barnstormers
20.06.2020Quad Cities SteamwheelersCedar Rapids River Kings
20.06.2020Duke City GladiatorsSioux Falls Storm
20.06.2020Spokane ShockArizona Rattlers
21.06.2020San Diego Strike ForceTucson Sugar Skulls
Week 17
27.06.2020Cedar Rapids River KingsGreen Bay Blizzard
27.06.2020Iowa BarnstormersSioux Falls Storm
27.06.2020Tucson Sugar SkullsOakland Panthers
27.06.2020Arizona RattlersDuke City Gladiators
27.06.2020San Diego Strike ForceSpokane Shock
Indoor Football League Schedule 2020 [Reference: 2]

IFL 2020 Team Geographic Map

Indoor Football League 2020 Team Map [Reference: 3]


The Indoor Football League is a AAA American Football League played Reduced Numbers (8v8) Arena Football in the American Mid-West, South & West. Previously AA, it has since the demise of the AAA Arena Football League after the 2019 season, it has expanded its Geographic Reach, and has taken the AFL’s position as the AAA League in Indoor/Arena Football.

Reduced Numbers American Football is Full Contact Kittec Football, but with less players designed for smaller localities & regions with less population in the USA.



[1] Indoor Football League (2019) Standings [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 October 2019]

[2] Indoor Football League (2019) Schedule [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 11 March 2020]


[3] Indoor Football League (2019) 2020 Indoor Football League | Geographic Map [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 23 December 2019]

[4] Indoor Football League Twitter (2020) Indoor Football League 2020 Logo [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 11 March 2020]


Thanks to Bart Barden & Sam Thompson

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 11 March 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Resereved.

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